The December 9th rally was a historic first, in that it occurred seventy years ago today, and was part of the massive people-power movement which helped trigger the unanimous passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) the very next day: December 10th, 1948.
In a clip released to the press one of the protesters, Pierre Bergé, said the interruption of the United Nations General Assembly in Paris was planned and executed by "very famous writers” including Albert Camus:
Bergé called the disruption "a political comedy" and said it was designed to give people hope for a better way to run our world. "We have to dream, because the only way to catch the reality is to dream."
The hidden history of how one man’s bold action helped spark a massive movement on the eve of the this great leap forward for humanity is told in a forthcoming film “The World is My Country.”
Because this 70th anniversary event is so relevant to the hot-button issues in today’s world, the director of the film, Arthur Kanegis, will appear at a special Preview Screening in Culver City:
You Are Invited To A Screening of:
Saturday, December 8th - 7:00 PM
Doors Open at 6:30 PM
The Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City 90230
Free Parking Behind Building
Q&A with Director Arthur Kanegis
$10 Suggested Donation at The Door
"The World Is My Country" is not yet released to the public. It's just being shown at film festivals,
where it's attracting sold out theaters and standing ovations!
This Is An Amazing Must See Film. – Frank Dorrel
Questions or More Information Contact Frank Dorrel at: fdorrel@addictedtowar.com or: 310-838-8131
This is a unique opportunity to see this brand new one hour film before it’s shown on TV or released in theaters -- and meet the Arthur Kanegis, the director of the film. Arthur was Garry’s friend for a quarter of a century - and is known for his Paul Newman/Haskell Wexler film “War Without Winners.”
Please let everyone know about this event. If you can’t make it, go to:
www.theworldismycountry.com and click on “Free Preview” and the filmmakers will let you know when there is another opportunity to view it.
For more information about Garry and the passage of the UDHR see the article in the German magazine Spiegel November 4, 2018
“This history is so very relevant today” says the film’s Director Arthur Kanegis. “People are upset about the state of our world and they are grasping for answers. We think this story can help spark a vision for how we can truly protect our human rights by joining together with other citizens of the world to transform the UDHR -- into actual enforceable world law.”
For more about the film see: www.theworldismycountry.com