People-Powered Planet
Podcasts - Movies - Meetings of
The World is My Country Club
Solutionaires discuss how we can build a People-Powered Planet.

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February 19, 2025 - Could GREED Save the World???

Meet Hawah Kasat -- who gave a startling TEDx talk on How Greed Could Save the World.
What??? Isn’t greed what’s destroying the world?
In a world that is crumbling between our fingers, is it possible that traditional non-profits are actually distracting us from solving the underlying problems that make them needed in the first place?
Hawah invites us to reflect more deeply on whether we are spending our time and energy effectively. What if we fundamentally rethink what nonprofits and businesses look like? What if we start with the premise that helping a few struggling people when millions are suffering is not good enough? What if we get more greedy and stop being content with anything less than lasting, systems-level change?
Hawah has dedicated his life to teaching about solutions to violence and ways to peace.
He is Founder of “One Common Unity,” a non-profit that inspires a culture of non-violence through music, arts, and education.
Author of 4 books, he produced 4 documentary films (including the acclaimed “Fly By Light”), 2 musical CDs, and is the creator/editor of “The Poetry of Yoga” book anthology featuring Grammy award-winning musicians and master yoga teachers.
In 2019, Hawah was the recipient of Georgetown University’s “Legacy of a Dream” award honoring an inspirational emerging leader whose work embodies the values and spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hawah also interviewed David Gallup of the World Citizen Government on his podcast The Everlutionary Podcast!
Help Train AI through the Elowyn Game!
Elowyn: Quest of Time is a groundbreaking Play2Thrive game that enables you to create positive impact and master
win-win strategies while having fun!
Face off against the cunning Moloch AI and its Shadow Arcs in a high-stakes strategy card battle. Their deceptive win-lose tactics threaten humanity and the planet—but you have the power to change the game! Shift the battle to win-win solutions and restore the legendary Elowyn Tree of Life.
Your gameplay isn’t just fun—it helps train benevolent AIs for real-world problem-solving, while the EWA tokens you earn fund sustainability projects that make a difference.

Watch a short excerpt of Trevor Noah's excellent podcast "What Now?" speaking about direct democracy!
January 20, 2026 - Honoring President Jimmy Carter
In honor of President Carter’s lifetime of Peacebuilding -- a special Podcast with the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University.
Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick honors President Carter's lifetime of Peacebuilding on the
People-Powered-Planet Podcast hosted by Arthur Kanegis. Kanegis then interviews the school's educators of a new generation of Peace-Builders.
“The Carters were trailblazers in peacebuilding and justice,” said Alpaslan Özerdem, dean of the Carter School. “We are furthering the Carter legacy in conflict resolution through our research and practice. His insight, passion, and love for peace will remain our inspiration in educating future peacemakers.”
“For decades, the Carters tirelessly walked in the shoes of the people they strived to empower, transforming countless lives in the process,” Davidson says. “We teach our students to identify the underlying causes of conflict and equip them with the cutting-edge theory and practical skills to put their knowledge into action, whether that be at the local, national, or global level.”
Ozuem Esiri Onyebolise co-hosted the podcast with the Rotary Districts & Clubs Joint International Online Mega-Meeting Platform -which he founded. Ozuem noted that the program attracted Peacebuilders from 84 Countries
and 264 Rotary districts!
Founding Mothers Launch REPLAY!
November 20, 2024 -- Founding Mothers UNITE for a New World!
Men, women and all genders please join us and meet Laura George who is helping to spearhead the Founding Mothers Movement, determined to transition humanity from Patriarchy to Partnership!
Their mission is to build a world that works for ALL – by shifting the paradigm and ending War.
They are building a global coalition powerful enough to inspire Evolutionary Change -- by synergizing global groups and world citizens who are ready to collaborate, coordinate, and commit to a structured social movement.
Rev. Laura George, JD is Executive Director of The Oracle Institute, an educational charity and think-tank working at the nexus between religion, politics, human rights, and conscious evolution.
The institute operates a publishing house, and spirituality school.
Laura authored the award-winning Oracle Trilogy: The Truth, The Love, and The Light, and she serves as lead minister at Oracle Temple headquartered at the Peace Pentagon in Independence, VA.
Laura also is a trustee at World Constitution & Parliament Assoc., a steward at EarthWise Centre, a branch leader at Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, and a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.
October 23, 2024 - Meet the Founders of The Visioneers: Gerri Schwartz and Des Berghofer!
The Visioneers Project is alive with story, the original one written as a fantasy, now inspiring thousands of new, true stories of what people everywhere are doing to contribute towards a better future for all. Never has the world been more in need of such stories. Woven together as a Web of Good Work, they are the antidote to the fog of negativity that depresses the creativity and goodness of our human potential.
Join us as we interview Desmond and Gerri about their Visioneers International Network, their Virtual Exposition of inspiring stories, and the opportunity for you to fire up your own imaginations to make real-life contributions to the wonderful world waiting to be born.
Their new Pax Humana video, broadcast to the world on Hubcast Media Network, calls for us to go beyond the illusion of the sense of separation to the wisdom of unity. It is a proclamation of a Golden Peace in which children are born in safety and embraced by love, where they are nourished by education to grow up as global citizens in rich and diverse cultures celebrating peaceful coexistence through collaboration and service.
See their course on becoming a Global Citizen.
August 21, 2024 - Rivera Sun -- Change-maker/Protest Novelist
Rivera Sun is a change-maker, a cultural creative, a protest novelist, and an advocate for nonviolence and social justice.
She is the author of The Dandelion Insurrection, The Way Between and other novels. She is the editor of Nonviolence News. Her study guide to making change with nonviolent action is used by activist groups across the country. Her essays and writings are syndicated by Peace Voice, and have appeared in journals nationwide.
Rivera attended the James Lawson Institute in 2014 and facilitates workshops in strategy for nonviolent change across the country and internationally.
Between 2012-2017, she co-hosted nationally two syndicated radio programs on civil resistance strategies and campaigns.
Rivera is the program coordinator for Campaign Nonviolence.
In all of her work, she connects the dots between the issues, shares solutionary ideas, and inspires people to step up to the challenge of being a part of the story of change in our times.
July 24, 2024 - Warheads to Windmills
with author TIMMON WALLIS
His new book Warheads to Windmills says that to survive as a species we need to work together to solve the greatest problems facing us right now. Those include the climate crisis, the nuclear nightmare and the time-bomb of global inequality and injustice.
He shows, in detail,
how we can solve each of these life-threatening emergencies!
Dr. Timmon Wallis is Executive Director of NuclearBan.US and coordinator of the national Warheads to Windmills Coalition.
He is truly a Solutionary -- with a BA in Human Ecology and a PhD in Peace Studies. His earlier book, Disarming the Nuclear Argument, contributed to the negotiations which led to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons -- which earned ICAN its Nobel Peace Prize in 2017.
July 10, 2024 - JUDITH DIMENT MBE: How Rotary can help Lead the World Into a Sustainable and Peaceful Future
Co-Hosted with the Rotary Districts & Clubs International Online Mega-Meeting Exchange Platform!
Judith Diment is Dean of the Rotary Representatives to the United Nations and International Agencies leading a team of 30 Rotary “Ambassadors.”
She led Rotary delegations to COP26, COP27 and COP28.
Having worked in marketing and communications for over 30 years, including heading PR at the Natural History Museum in London, she also volunteers for many organizations and charities in Great Britain and around the world.
A recipient of the Rotary Service Above Self Award, she served as President of Windsor St George Rotary Club and was District Governor of Rotary District 1090. Elected a Councillor for Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, she was also awarded a Member of the Order of the British Empire by HM Queen Elizabeth for services to charity.
June 26, 2024 - Holomovement Holons: Disrupting divisiveness and strife through exponential collaboration
In our movie "The World Is My Country", Garry Davis calls for creating a synergistic system of People-Powered governance that can enable humans to free ourselves from the scourge of war and oppression and recognize that we are already One!
See and also
The Holomovement has a similar aim, so in this action session we will learn about Holons from Emannuel Kuntzelman, Mariko Pitts and Yasmine El Baggari --
and then take action -- working to syntegrate and
create a Holon together!
June 19, 2024 - HOLOMOVEMENT - Emanuel Kuntzelman and Laura Rose
On Juneteenth we envision the next great leap in humanities emancipation -- a way to rise above the divisions and strife to come together as one!
Laura and Emanuel show us how the Holomovement offers a fusion of science and spirit that can ignite the evolutionary impulse in us and cohere, catalyze and synergize like-minded organizations and movements into a grand collaborative effort to address the world’s challenges.
They co-created the Fundacion por el Futuro, Purpose Earth and Greenheart International.
We explore how entrepreneurs, futurists, philanthropists and activists for social transformation can empower our collaborative efforts to build a People-Powered Planet.
May 29, 2024 - Passport to Freedom - Will Reed's World citizen adventure!
In Celebration of World Citizen Action Week -- the 76th anniversary of when Garry Davis became a World Citizen -- we’ll discuss Will Reed’s future memoir, PINBALLED, the story of a free-thinking, nonconformist's lifelong fight for what always eluded him – a place to live and call home.
A soldier during the bloodiest part of the Vietnam War in 1968, Will returned to Vietnam as an independent journalist – exchanging his combat boots for pen, paper, and a camera. Determined to expose the graft and human rights abuses he had witnessed, his investigation landed him in a rat-infested Vietnamese prison.
“Being in a dank, fetid South Vietnamese jail, held without charges, all I could think of was getting out”, Will says in his memoir.
“Hours after my release, outraged by my own government’s treatment of me and its contempt for the Vietnamese people, I renounced my U.S. citizenship.” Facing further incarceration, he fled overland through Khmer Rouge-controlled Cambodia before sneaking into Thailand where he was jailed for illegal entry.
“As I pleaded unsuccessfully for asylum, my unusual case became a cause célèbre – attracting international press attention and letters from supporters worldwide.” Finally, with the help of World Citizen Garry Davis, he was delivered a World passport in jail and was eventually granted asylum in France.
Today, he is retired and living in Paris.
April 17, 2024
It’s 2050 - and amazingly the world works! Life on Earth is flourishing.
How did we get from the terrible 2020s to here?
Suzanne Taylor created an essay contest to answer that question and people shifted from being overwhelmed by doom and gloom to excitement about humanity’s future! Join us in talking with Suzanne about the wealth of ideas generated by her contest -- and where we can go from here.
Suzanne was a painter and an actress – her many TV credits include The Dick Van Dyke Show (she played Van Dyke’s secretary in the feature film, Divorce American Style), I Dream of Jeannie, and My Favorite Martian.
In the 1970s, she turned all her attention to the world problematique. She’s made wonderful contributions since then, including two feature documentaries about crop circles: What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery and CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth, as well as doing 36 episodes of The Cosmic Fuel Pump, for “how I get sane in a crazy world,” on local Los Angeles TV.
On her current platform, NOW WHAT?, where the essay contest came from, she is urging a massive coalition of we-the-people to become the force we could be.
Suzanne’s website:
Suzanne’s mailing list:
March 20, 2024
Want to know the hidden reasons for wars raging around the world?
And what we can do about it?
Hear investigative journalist, art historian, attorney and author Charlotte Dennett who wrote Follow the Pipelines: Uncovering the Mystery of a Lost Spy and the Deadly Politics of the Great Game for Oil.
Charlotte tell us about her quest to uncover the truth about the mysterious death of her father, American’s first Master Spy
in the Middle East -- and about her disturbing discovery of the
role of oil and pipelines in the Gaza and Ukraine wars.
She is also the author of numerous Huffington Post and
CounterPunch articles including the best articles on
"Television Event" & "The World is My Country" and many more.
February 21, 2024
Learn how to BAN THE BOMB with a Multimedia Event
Activist, Filmmaker, retired Art Historian and Educator Jean Stevens talks about her activism and how to alert folks of the danger of nuclear weapons using a multimedia event.
Learn how you can screen "Television Event" as well!
Schedule for Sunday February 25, 2024 in Albuquerque NM
1:00 PM: Only $5 at the Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Albuquerque NM "Television Event" a riveting documentary about the world-changing 1983 TV movie “The Day After” that profoundly impacted then US President Reagan's nuclear policies, helped end the cold war, and led to a huge reduction in the nuclear arsenal.
See the trailer and more info. at:
2:50 PM: We will march four blocks, from the Guild Cinema to Triangle Substation Park
3:00 PM: Rally against nuclear weapons in Triangle Substation Park, 2901 Central Ave NE We will gather to share ideas about how we can change public opinion the way the movie did and bring about the abolition of nuclear weapons. Featuring music by Eileen O’Shaughnessy, Paul Pino, and the Raging Grannies! Plus more surprise guests!
See footage of the event on Jean Stevens' YouTube Channel
February 14, 2024
Susan Strickler, Director and Producer of "The Vow from Hiroshima"
Susan has been a successful director and producer of network soap operas. Directing over 750 hour-long episodes for shows like The Young and the Restless, Guiding Light, and Another World during her 22-year career, she has won both the Daytime Emmy Award and the Director’s Guild of America Award.
As a Quaker and a feminist, Susan is passionate about bringing Setsuko’s inspiring story to as many people as possible.
The Vow From Hiroshima is an intimate portrait of Setsuko Thurlow, a passionate survivor of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Her moving story is told through the lens of her growing friendship with a second generation survivor, Mitchie Takeuchi.
January 24, 2024
How New Zealand shifted its government to reject nuclear weapons!
World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy -- Program Director Alyn Ware tells us how New Zealand shifted its government, through public pressure, to reject nuclear weapons!
Alyn Ware is one of the world’s most effective peace workers, who has led key initiatives for peace education and nuclear abolition in New Zealand and internationally over the past decades.
He helped draft the Peace Studies Guidelines that became part of the New Zealand school curriculum, initiated successful programmes in schools and thousands of classrooms throughout the country, and has served as an adviser to the NZ government and the United Nations on disarmament education.
He was active in the campaign that prohibited nuclear weapons in New Zealand, before serving as the World Court Project UN Coordinator which achieved a historic ruling from the World Court on the illegality of nuclear weapons.
Ware has led the efforts to implement the World Court’s decision, including drafting resolutions adopted by the UN, bringing together a group of experts to prepare a draft treaty on nuclear abolition which is now being promoted by the UN Secretary-General, and engaging parliamentarians around the world through Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.
December 4, 2023 - Premiere Screening of Television Event and The Day After Reunion in Lawrence, Kansas!
November 15, 2023 - Dr. Riane Eisler!
Barbie & Ken -- in Partnership?
“Has a doll long criticized for perpetuating outdated gender norms and unrealistic body image become a feminist icon?” NPR asked; “The movie takes place largely in Barbieland, a candy-colored, women-centered utopia where Barbies hold the positions of power (all of the jobs, really, except for "beach") and Kens are essentially peripheral.”
The Kens revolt - take over, start wars with each other, and try to dominate.
We invited Dr. Riane Eisler, the distinguished author of “The Chalice and the Blade” to give us her perspective on the “Barbie” movie. In "The Chalice and the Blade” Riane tells a new story of our cultural origins. She shows that war and the “war of the sexes” are neither divinely nor biologically ordained. Her research reveals that human society originated in female/male partnership but was then coerced into a dominator society. She goes on to show us that a better future is possible in partnership! Anthropologist Ashley Montagu called it “the most important book since Darwin’s Origin of Species”.
Dr. Riane Eisler is President of the Center for Partnership Studies and has received many honors, including honorary Ph.D. degrees, the Alice Paul ERA Education Award, and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation's 2009 Distinguished Peace Leadership Award, and is featured in the award-winning book Great Peacemakers as one of 20 leaders for world peace, along with Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King. She keynotes conferences worldwide, with venues including the United Nations General Assembly and the US Department of State.
Come to our podcasts and ask a question or make a comment!
October 25, 2023 - Andreas Bummel
Andreas Bummel is founder and Executive Director of Democracy Without Borders. A leading expert and advocate for a world parliament, he has been leading the campaign for a Parliamentary Assembly at the UN, supported by more than 1,500 parliamentarians from over 100 countries.
The “We The Peoples” campaign, which he co-convenes, advocates for more democracy at the UN. It has been joined by over 200 groups, including leading environmental and civil rights NGOs.
He served on the Council of the World Federalist Movement, which played a central role in supporting the creation of the International Criminal Court.
He co-wrote A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century
September 27, 2023
Debate: Is the War in Ukraine Justified?
Watch this excellent debate moderated by Marcy Winograd (coordinator of CODEPINK Congress and co-chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition).
We hear 3 perspectives debated:
1) Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine, argued by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.
2) Ukraine had no choice but to fight Russia, argued by journalist Jim Brooke who works as the Ukraine/Russia columnist for The New York Sun.
3) Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war, argued by WBW Executive Director
David Swanson.
August 23 - CGS Executive Director Rebecca A. Shoot!
Heading the preeminent Citizens for Global Solutions is a top human rights attorney who created a global parliamentary campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights - and also acts, directs and writes for the Theater! Garry Davis would have loved to meet her!
An international lawyer, a democracy and governance practitioner, she spent more than 15 years working with non-governmental, inter-governmental, and private sector groups supporting human rights, democratic processes, and the rule of law -- on five continents!
With the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Rebecca directed programming for the bipartisan House Democracy Partnership of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Her publications include the first Global Parliamentary Report, Political Parties in Democratic Transitions, and Navigating between Scylla and Charybdis: How the International Criminal Court Turned Restraint Into Power Play -- which was honored with the Emory International Law Review Founder’s Award for Excellence in Legal Research and Writing.
She served as a Visiting Professional in the Presidency of the International Criminal Court and has provided pro bono legal expertise to The Carter Center, International Refugee Assistance Project, United Nations Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances. She even developed an international humanitarian law curriculum -- for the U.S. Marine Corps University!
She is also a Co-Convener of the Washington Working Group for the International Criminal Court (WICC), a diverse coalition of human rights organizations.
July 26, 2023 - World Citizen Day!
Hear from Dr. Sheyda Jahanbani, the historian conducting research on Garry Davis for her book and the efforts to promote his inspiring World Citizen view around world!
Listen to fun stories from people who knew him!
July 12, 2023 - Does Maja Groff really know how to fix a broken world?
The Global Challenges foundation thinks so - awarding her a prize in their multi-million dollar contest for the best new models of global governance -- to avert disaster and put humanity on a path toward a bright sustainable future.
She is a Hague-based international lawyer working on multilateral treaties, international criminal tribunals and teaching at the Hague Academy of International Law. She co-authored Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century with Augusto Lopez-Claros and Arthur L. Dahl.
Replay of the CGS book club with Maja:
From "The World is My Country" film
June 28, 2023 - Make Films That Transform the World
with Jon Fitzgerald
Jon Fitzgerald is the Founder & CEO of Cause Pictures, one of the
Co-founders of the Slamdance Film Festival and author of
Filmmaking for Change: Make Films That Transform the World.
Recognizing that film is more than just entertainment, it is a tool to engage and inspire audiences to take action, Jon created Cause Pictures as a new paradigm
to help create change.
The Company combines Jon’s years of filmmaking, festival and consulting experience, providing services to film festivals and supporting independent filmmakers looking to produce, market and distribute their films to a growing audience yearning for
socially relevant stories.
May 31, 2023 - RED CROSS EVENT
with Joanne Dufour!
Armed conflicts are ongoing around the world.
At times it may seem that there are no rules in war. However, there are and they make a difference. "Even War Has Rules" is a dynamic discussion on international humanitarian law (IHL) and how it governs armed conflict.
By the end of the hour, participants will achieve a general understanding of IHL and will be better able to evaluate the actions of parties to armed conflicts.
Join Former Peace Corp Volunteer, Retired Teacher and
Teacher-Trainer Joanne Dufour in learning international humanitarian law!
Check out her blog: Disarming Our Planet
This event is hosted and sponsored by the International Services Department of the American Red Cross, Northwest Region.
***International Services offers a free service called Restoring Family Links, a program that helps reconnect families who have been separated by armed conflict, disaster, or other humanitarian crisis.
International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
May 25, 2023 - Celebrate World Citizen Action Day!
Learn the history and all about the important work of the World Citizen Government!
April 19, 2023
STORYPOWER - the key to effective social change
with Liz Mangual and Bob Kanegis
Bob and Liz run Story Connection, working in New Mexico with Native American Pueblo schools - and traveling the world telling stories -- that celebrate the intersection of myth, family and culture.
Come hear how stories mold society and shape behavior -- and why stories are more powerful tools than facts and figures for influencing hearts and minds, shifting the paradigm and truly creating Social Change.
Go to:
Bob and Liz developed Future Wave’s BULLYPROOF program, engaging young people to use stories told through Puppet shows and a rap’n roll opera to learn powerful tools for handling conflict in more powerful ways than violence. At a time when world leaders are acting like schoolyard bullies, the world needs life-affirming stories -- and BULLYPROOF!
April 12, 2023 - Medea Benjamin makes sense of the war in Ukraine!
With humanity poised at 90 seconds to doomsday, and growing risks of nuclear war breaking out with Russia, China & North Korea, we will be chatting with Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition, about her new book "War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict".
Nobel peace prize nominee Medea Benjamin is co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK and of the human rights group Global Exchange.
She is "one of America's most committed -- and most effective -- fighters for human rights" says NY Newsday and "one of the high profile leaders of the peace movement" says the Los Angeles Times.
March 29, 2023 - The Movement and the "Madman"
on PBS American Experience!
The MOVEMENT and the “MADMAN” shows how two antiwar protests in the fall of 1969 — the largest the country had ever seen — caused President Nixon to cancel what he called his “madman” plans for a massive escalation of the U.S. war in Vietnam, including his threat to use nuclear weapons.
Remarkable archival footage and firsthand accounts reveal how
you changed history!
We chat with:
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ROBERT LEVERING is a former business/workplace journalist. In 1969, on the staff of the New Mobe, he organized and trained 4,000-5,000 nonviolent marshals for the huge antiwar demonstration in November 1969 in Washington, DC.
CO-PRODUCER STEVE LADD, has worked with filmmakers for the last 3 decades to help produce and distribute documentary films. He was an antiwar and draft resistance organizer at UC Berkeley during the war in Vietnam.
CAST MEMBER DAVID HARTSOUGH, is an American Quaker peace activist and co-founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce and World BEYOND WAR.
Learn more & watch the teaser here:
March 22, 2023 - A stunner!
The Atomic Cafe is an absurdist blast from the past that would be downright laughable if it weren’t so eerily relevant to the propaganda whipping up the flames of war today.
Arthur's friends Jayne Loader and the Rafferty brothers directed this
1982 cult classic.
It juxtaposes Cold War history, propaganda, music and culture, seamlessly crafted from government-produced educational and training films, newsreels and advertisements to create a chilling glimpse of how we are manipulated.
We showed a 20 minute excerpt followed by a discussion of
how we can breakthrough the false narratives to avert war and
create a safe, secure and bright future.
To Watch the full 1:26 documentary go to:
March 8, 2023
Women taking a stand against Nuclear War
Watch the National Women's Conference To Prevent Nuclear War
Coretta Scott King, Joanne Woodward, Dr. Helen Caldicott and other leading women came together in a high-profile nuclear war prevention conference organized by our Future WAVE board member Charolett Baker who was the Special Projects Director for the Center for Defense Information and later Director of
USA-USSR Citizens Dialogue.
In the exciting video you'll hear from Ruth Adams, editor of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
ALSO: Mary Dent Crisp, Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee;
Margaret Bush Wilson, NAACP Chairperson;
Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of State
Mildred Scott Olmsted, Suffragist
Congresswoman Bella Abzug, and many others.
February 8, 2023 - Conflict Resolution and Becoming Bullyproof
BULLYPROOF is a life-skills program Arthur Kanegis developed to make conflict resolution
fun and memorable.
It uses ten animal characters to teach more powerful tools than intimidation or violence for getting what you really want and need in life.
B.U.L.L.Y. is Bustout Bear, Understanding Unicorn, Listening Lynx, Yin Yang Yak. P.R.O.O.F. is Picturing Porpoise, Respectful Raven, Originating Orangutan,Overseeing Owl, Fearless Fox)
January 25, 2023 - The Alchemy of Peace!
Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing is a prolific author, speaker, and international lawyer with 20 years of experience in public and private legal practice.
She is the founding director of The Center for Peace and Global Governance (, a virtual think tank and online forum that pools and proposes principled solutions to pressing global challenges.
She has published five books in the area of peace and global governance including “Building a World Federation: The Key to Resolving our Global Crises.” Her latest book, available on Amazon, is “The Alchemy of Peace: 6 Essential Shifts in Mindsets and Habits to Achieve World Peace.”
She also hosts a video podcast "Re-Imagining Our World” on the CPGG YouTube channel - -- that is dedicated to creating a vision of the world we want and infusing hope that we can make the choices necessary to attain it.
January 11, 2022 - Nonviolent National Defense!
TV host Glen Anderson strives tirelessly for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and a wide variety of progressive political issues.
His cable TV show focuses on changing to a truly peaceful foreign policy, creating social justice and economic justice in many ways, and promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society.
He writes, speaks, conducts training workshops to strategize and build progressive grassroots social change movements. His shows are broadcast on Thurston Community Television (TCTV) and are available online at
November 23, 2022 - "Tomorrowland" with George Clooney
We watched and discussed this excellent movie with a positive vision of the future.
The revelation at the end is spot on!
November 9, 2022 - Nonviolence in Ukraine!
John Reuwer is a board member of World BEYOND War and serves on the Committee to Abolish Nuclear Weapons with Physicians for Social Responsibility.
A retired emergency physician and former adjunct professor of conflict resolution at St. Michael’s College in Vermont, Dr. Reuwer has studied, taught and practiced
alternatives to violence for over 40 years.
He was an International Protection Officer with the Nonviolent Peaceforce in South Sudan and has served on volunteer unarmed peace teams in South Sudan, Haiti, Guatemala, Colombia, Palestine/Israel, and in several U.S. cities - including Washington DC where the DC Peace Team worked to de-escalate tensions around the Jan. 6 storming of the US Capitol.
He recently returned from a month in Romania and Ukraine where he joined people searching for nonviolent ways to end the invasion and stop the war!
Join us and learn how nonviolence is the most powerful force in the world!
“Choose a Bold, Humane Future!”
Melanie Bennett on "Glen’s Parallax Perspectives" TV Series
Airing on Thurston Community television the month of November 2022
Glen Anderson writes: "This month’s TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative, and encouraging. Besides working to stop what we oppose, what if we also worked equally hard for what we want instead?
A savvy guest helps us explore this topic. Melanie Bennett is the perfect guest to discuss today’s topic.
She and Arthur Kanegis were guests on the April 2022 TV program, which urged us to get beyond narrow nationalism and see ourselves as citizens of the whole world.
Melanie and Arthur produced an amazing film about that titled “The World is My Country.”
October 26, 2022
A heartfelt trip to Vietnam
Dennis Aftergut, a former federal prosecutor named “Lawyer of the Year” by California Lawyer Magazine for his pioneering work in litigation that was a stepping-stone toward same-sex marriage equality.
Working now with Lawyers Defending American Democracy, Dennis writes and co-writes opinion pieces that have been published in The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, CNN, The Guardian, NBCThink, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Slate, Salon and more. See
In the early 1970s, Dennis worked with Arthur Kanegs in the NARMIC team at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), using research and investigation to educate people about the ongoing Vietnam War.
Incorporating the ads of the manufactures of the weapons with the children their products maimed, NARMIC made a powerful pre-VHS documentary which sold 1,500 copies, each used widely in the movement to stop the Vietnam war.
It was accompanied by an inch thick book of documentation.
Also highly documented was their budget analysis co-produced with the Indochina Resource Center (IRC) that exposed the dark realities of nice-sounding US Aid programs. Congress people used it to cut appropriations. When the US military effort collapsed and Ambassador Graham Martin was helicoptered off the Saigon embassy roof, he blamed IRC for triggering the end of the war.
Traveling recently to Vietnam, Dennis made heartfelt connections with people the US government had called our enemies
October 19th, 2022
Can we shake our world off the path toward extinction and instead build a Solartopia?
Harvey Wasserman is an author, radio host and activist working to bend the arc of history toward peace, love & understanding…plus justice.
Solartopia, No Nukes, election protection, people’s history, nonviolent action….and our vital leap to green sustainability are advanced and promoted in his 20 books -- and discussed on his radio shows at and KPFK/Pacifica-Los Angeles.
He co-convenes zoom meetings of the Grassroots Emergency Election Protection (GREEP) zooms Mondays at 5pm Eastern (
October 12, 2022
What if the key to our future lies in our past?
Realizing that law as a “battle” was actually a weak force not serving his clients needs so much as perpetuating the “war machine of litigation,” Eric Sirotkin shifted his legal skills into honing Gandhi’s “weapon of the strong.” He discovered that Satyagraha-based holistic spheres of collaborative and integrative law are a more powerful way to serve his clients and humanity.
Eric weaves together the core wisdom of Navajo, Sioux, Onondaga, Andes Shamen, Hindu mystics, Buddhist monks and tribal elders around the planet with that of Einstein, Dr. ML King, Bishop Tutu to recognize that the interconnected principle of Ubuntu -- building peace and relationship through experiencing our intrinsic interconnection - has existed throughout time in non-dominant cultures.
He founded, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization dedicated to infusing ubuntu-based principles into education, workplaces, finance and other institutions.
September 14, 2022 - Michael Nagler - Director and Author of "The Third Harmony"
You can watch the film HERE!
Michael Nagler, President of the Metta Center for Nonviolence, argues that nonviolence–not just as a tactic but as a way of being–is the only way to unite deeply divided people and enable progressive movements and leaders of all stripes to fulfil their promise and potential.
August 31, 2022
Don't Bank on the Bomb!
Susi Snyder coordinates the Don’t Bank on the Bomb project and works with Nobel-Prize winner ICAN to engage the financial sector in moving us away from nuclear war.
She contributed to the books A World Free from Nuclear Weapons, Sleepwalking to Armageddon: The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation and War and Environment Reader.
She is a 2016 Nuclear Free Future Award Laureate and has worked in PAX's humanitarian disarmament team, coordinating nuclear disarmament efforts.
Susi previously served as the Secretary General of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom at their Geneva secretariat.
August 24, 2022
Two Earth Heros! Star Trek/"The Day After" Director Nicholas Meyer and
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg
Nicholas Meyer, Directed "THE DAY AFTER" (see TRAILER),
which had the largest audience of any made-for-television movie before or since!
In the midst of the cold war nuclear arms race, it shook people to the core -
100 million Americans and 200 million Russians!
It convinced US and Soviet leaders to START negotiations to reduce nukes!
Nicholas also directed STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN and STAR TREK VI: THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY. He wrote the screenplay for STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME. He directed and wrote TIME AFTER TIME.
He has authored nine books including NY Times best-seller THE SEVEN-PER-CENT SOLUTION -- and wrote the screenplay (It stars Nicole Williamson, Robert Duvall, Alan Arkin, Laurence Olivier and Vanessa Redgrave.)
and how movies change the world!
SURPRISE GUEST! -- Honored Whistleblower and star of "The Most Dangerous Man in America" documentary Daniel Ellsberg joins Nicholas in the discussion!
See "The Day After" on Youtube or Buy the DVD!
August 17, 2022
Did a movie save the world? The answer will stun you...
Our special guest is Jeff Daniels, the award-winning producer/director of
"Television Event"!
"The Day After" (ABC-1983) is the most-watched TV movie ever, dramatizing the chilling aftermath of a nuclear war on Lawrence, Kansas.
The film helped turn viewers into activists-- and turn a U.S. president around.
How did a major US network make such an earth-shaking film? Jeff brings us the nitty-gritty, interviewing the director and TV execs about the intense controversy extending all the way to the White House.
August 6, 2022 - "The Day After" Screening
See the excellent August 6 discussion replay
as well as suggestions to help those feeling despair and
a link to some great resources.
July 13, 2022 - Movie!
If you missed the movie you can watch it now!
"War Without Winners"
featuring Paul Newman, filmed by Haskell Wexler,
produced by Arthur Kanegis
Historic films like this and “The Day After” contributed to averting nuclear war in the 1980's.
Today as billions is being spent on new nuclear weapons, an alert and warned
public is more crucial than ever.
WATCH our August 10th discussion:
Cautionary vs. Visionary Tales:
"The Day After"/Star Trek
Here is the unedited REPLAY.
June 29, 2022
“What if Grandpa had been killed in Vietnam? We wouldn’t exist!”
Thousands of kids and grandkids owe their lives to Frank Kroncke, who with the Minnesota 8 "liberated" most of Minnesota’s draft files.
“My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary” Joe wrote. We have two sons who gave us six wonderful Grandkids. We are now retired and … enjoying life. None of this might have happened if I was sent to Nam or moved to Canada. I would like to thank you and seven others for what you did for our country and hope this history will be taught in the schools.
Sincere thanks,
Brainerd, MN”
Come hear about the dramatic “Peace Crime” directly from Francis X. Kroncke who has journeyed through the monastic life, the theological academy, federal courtrooms, a federal prison cell, and the byways of corporate America. In 1970, he took his Catholic theology into the American courts as he defended his draft board raiding crime
See his published essays: www.outlaw-visions,net
Retired after 25 years as a salesman, a senior manager, and business development planner, his story is told in the YouTube “Peace Crimes, Backstage"
April 27, 2022
What's better than a Domination System? Partnership!
Riane Eisler, JD, PhD(h), is recipient of the Distinguished Peace Leadership Award (earlier given to the Dalai Lama) and she is internationally known for her ground-breaking contributions as a systems scientist, historian and futurist.
Learn of the exciting advances in Eisler's work since “The Chalice & The Blade” and how the Partnership system can help us build what Garry Davis called a “People Powered Planet!”
In “The Real Wealth of Nations,” for example, she shows that the great problems of our time — such as poverty, inequality, war, terrorism, and environmental degradation — are due largely to flawed economic systems.
She offers a model of a caring economy that transcends traditional categories like capitalist and socialist and offers enormous economic and social benefits. Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu hailed it as "a template for the better world we have been so urgently seeking.”
Eisler offers new perspectives for constructing less violent and more egalitarian, gender-balanced, and sustainable future societies.
Riane Eisler is President of the Center for Partnership Systems, Editor in Chief, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, and distinguished professor at Meridian University.
APRIL 13, 2022
No Nation is Above the Law
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Russia to “immediately suspend” its invasion of Ukraine. 4 experts will discuss what it will look like when we evolve a future in which no nation or national leader is above the law. Can you imagine what the future will look like if we, the people, used our economic and nonviolent power to enforce world law? How could we enforce the recent World Court ruling against Putin’s invasion? Imagine implementing Kellogg Briand in which Russia, USA and 60 other countries outlawed war!
Bill Blum is a Los Angeles lawyer and a former state of California administrative law judge. He's written extensively about the need for international law to apply across the board, to the US in Nicaragua, to Israel in Palestine and now to Russia:
Aura Kanegis is the Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for the American Friends Service Committee in Washington DC. See her thought provoking article:
Mark Oettinger, the principal drafter of the statue for a World Court of Human Rights (WCHR) - first proposed and declared by Garry Davis.
David Gallup directs the World Citizen Government -- which issues documents of global identification and travel in order to implement the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The WCG helps implement world law including everyone’s right to identify as world citizens.
March 16, 2022
How can we, as sovereign World Citizens Govern our World?
In 1993, Garry Davis, operating on behalf of world citizens, engaged organizational cybernetics pioneer Stafford Beer to join him in developing and testing an interactive system for ordinary people to have a real voice in governing spaceship Earth. Come hear about their early experiments and how we can now use the Syntegrity process and protocol to co-create whole system solutions to the Core Questions on Humanity's Table:
How can world citizens evolve world law to:
--to avoid a world war?
--prevent ecocide to ensure a healthy planetary civilization?
--engage in implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Dr. David Beatty is the World Syntegrity Project Co-ordinator and a Founding Member of Team Syntegrity International. He was a Research Director of Individual and Organizational Learning at the Unesco Centre for Water Education, Netherlands.
Dr. Allenna Leonard, former president of the American Society for Cybernetics and the International Society for the Systems Sciences, is an American cyberneticist and Director of Cwarel Isaf Institute specializing in the application of Stafford Beer's Viable System Model and Team Syntegrity Process.
David Gallup is the President of the World Service Authority which carries on the work of Garry Davis.
March 10, 2022
“Glen’s Parallax Perspectives Show"
The April 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” (which also airs on Thurston Community television) provides fresh insights and a creative alternative that can get the whole world unstuck from nationalistic antagonisms and endless wars.
Wars have raged for thousands of years of wars, but they have never produced lasting peace. The promoters of World War I promised that it would be “the war to end all wars.” Have we had a century of peace since 1918?
When we are chronically stuck in a dysfunctional system, we need to challenge the long-standing assumptions.
We need to think creatively – “think outside the box” – and choose positive alternatives. Instead of narrow nationalism and wars, two guests and some visuals help us explore the exciting alternative: world citizenship.
Glen welcomed Arthur Kanegis and Melanie Bennett. Both guests have studied this extensively and produced a feature film promoting it.
March 9, 2022 - MOVIE!
If you missed the movie, you can watch it now!
"La Belle Verte" (The Green Beautiful) by Coline Serreau
On a distant planet, highly evolved beings master telepathy and mental powers to travel to distant planets. Mila goes to Earth - quite a cultural shock.
Amazing film that shows at least 16 examples of partnerism!
February 16, 2022
What is beyond systems built on Domination Culture?
Partnerism, developed by Dr. Riane Eisler, (The Chalice and the Blade) is a socio-economic system where all relationships, institutions, policies, and organizations are based on principles of equitable partnership that supports linking rather than ranking and hierarchies of actualization rather than hierarchies of domination.
Rosie von Lila has worked with Burning Man headquarters since 2013 and been a member of the global Burning Man community for more than half her life.
She is an advocate for Partnerism and participatory culture, and is soon to publish a book titled Mass Human Flourishing.
January 26, 2022
Al Jubitz is a soft-spoken powerhouse - a changemaker working through Rotary to promote World Peace, Environmental Stewardship and the needs of at-risk children.
He is Executive Producer of "A Bold Peace" a fabulous film about how Costa Rica, surrounded by hostile military powers, got rid of their military - and thus gained 75 years of peace, energy independence, education for all and so much more!
He is on the National Advisory Board of Environmental Defense Fund and on the Leadership Council at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
He is also the past President of the Rotary Club of Portland -- and is a sponsor of the TV broadcast of "The World Is My Country".
We are so pleased to also welcome Patrick Hiller - the Executive Director of the War Prevention Initiative by the Jubitz Family Foundation who also teaches in the Conflict Resolution Program at Portland State University.
January 19, 2022
World Court of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights unanimously confirmed that everyone on Earth has certain rights and freedoms. But who is going to enforce our rights? Who is going to protect our freedoms... and the most basic right of all -- the right of our species to survive on Planet Earth?
Mark Oettinger, a seasoned attorney, educator and author, with extensive experience in Judicial Systems and Rule of Law, is working with the World Service Authority, founded by Garry Davis, to develop a World Court of Human Rights.
Come hear about their progress -- and how such a Court will be able to create binding, enforceable world law - above the nations that divide us.
November 17, 2021
Rieki Cordon is an inspiring speaker with innovative ideas and creations to help plant the seeds for a better future. He will share some ideas on how we can opt-out of the degenerative economies that are harming our planet and opt-into regenerative economic systems that give us more voice and value while doing so!
He also explains a unique perspective on cryptocurrencies that go well beyond the scams and ponzinomics you hear in the news.
A facilitator and map-maker who is part of a community of people developing SEEDS, a regenerative economic system where the citizens govern the protocol and the net outcome is personal and planetary regeneration.
He is also a part of Hypha: A global, transparent and decentralized cooperative which is building tools for the Regenerative Renaissance.
Come hear his ideas on how Tokenomics and Decentralized Governance can build a regenerative economic systems with positive feedback loops to
heal our planet and communities.
November 10, 2021
Prof. René Wadlow is the President of the Association of World Citizens,
a global organization promoting oneness with humanity and seeing
the whole planet as our home. It has official consultative status in the UN's Economic & Social Council.
Rene first met Garry Davis at the home of Harry Jacobsen -- the machine-shop Guru and teacher of Natarajan's Indian philosophy -- who played a key role in inspiring Garry to declare a government of, by and for the people of Earth.
Hear more about this key time in the life of the man who inspired our Podcast and
"The World Is My Country" movie.
Rene -- a Princeton graduate and Professor and former Director of Research of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies in Geneva -- is a font of wisdom, spiritual and practical knowledge about how to avert catastrophe and create a flourishing and regenerative future!
November 3, 2021
Peter Meisen heads the World Energy commission of the World Citizen Government founded by Garry Davis.
The inspiration for his life’s work came from meeting the visionary engineer Buckminster Fuller and reading his seminal book “Critical Path.”
Dr. Fuller created the global gaming simulation, The World Game – “to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone.”
Peter launched the Global Energy Network Initiative (GENI) to promote linking renewable energy resource around the world. The GENI initiative has earned the endorsements of 7 Nobel Peace Laureates, and newsman Walter Cronkite calling it “the best solution to peace and sustainable development he’s seen.” After 30 years, the world has now embraced this solution, just far too slowly.
He developed The SIMCenter, a surround visualization tool, like a Mission Control Room, that enables collective understanding and dialogue.
He's helping to create many SIMCenters in partnership with universities and city leadership -- to help City leaders deal with complex, interconnected problems, highlighting need options and strategies.
October 27, 2021
David Swanson, co-founder of World BEYOND War will tell us about the big campaign to get COP26 to include the biggest source of environmental damage of all: the Military/War System.
See David's clever story "Harry Potter and the Secret of COP26
War and war preparations are one of biggest greenhouse gas emitters. Yet they are excluded from COP26! World BEYOND War has brought together hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals to demand that all greenhouse gas emissions be included in mandatory greenhouse gas emission reduction standards. There must be no more exception for military pollution.
Come hear David's exciting ideas for how we can actually build a World BEYOND War and in which all of us can be safe and secure and have a sustainable and regenerative future for the good of all.
October 20, 2021
Shann Turnbull is the coordinator of the World Economics Commission of Garry Davis' World Citizen Government . He is an Educator, Author, Speaker and co-founder of UK Sustainable Money Working Group.
ln his book A New Way to Govern Organizations and Society after Enron, he says that the old "command and control" hierarchies cannot cope with complexity or human diversity - or regulate themselves and are leading us to disaster. A new breed of ecological bottom up organization is needed based on the way nature manages complexity - which he calls network governance.
He wrote or has contributed to 30 books including: Democratising the Wealth of Nations' and 'Building Sustainable Communities: Tools and concepts for Self-reliant Economic Change.
October 13, 2021
Bud Wilson co-created the “Choices for the Future Symposium” with John Denver and the Windstar Foundation - advised by Buckminster Fuller. Fuller described Bud and his colleagues as “Adaptive Generalist Comprehensivists”
An advocate for principles of deep ecology, Bud believes that regenerative human behavior is the next essential step for humanity - to replace the standard practices of industrial growth societies.
He is the author of numerous nationally published articles on Social Justice,
Peace and Environmental issues.
He also designed and founded Eco-Action for Rotary International’s Preserve Planet Earth Campaign, bringing together business and professional leaders with youth to design community service projects based on ecological principles.
Bud guides Nature Centered leadership retreats -and has been offering
awareness training programs for over 30 years.
September 22, 2021
Rob Kall is the author of The Bottom-Up Revolution, an inspiring book that shows how every element of society is erupting from the bottom up -- including story-telling and even government!
He is the host of the Bottom up Radio show, on Pacifica. He founded, which publishes 500-1000 articles a month - including whistle-blowers and important news missed by the mainstream press.
He also founded Storycon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and application of story. "I've come to see myself as working towards empowering and awakening people, first through biofeedback and self regulation training, and more recently, as a progressive publisher, writer of over 2500 articles and host of a radio show exploring a return to our bottom up roots, with the vision that bottom up values offer humanity a kinder, more sustainable future.
September 8, 2021
Cristina Garcia is the Organizing Lead for OXFAM's Migration Campaign --bringing visibility to migrants and refugees, fighting gender-based violence, and meeting with Members of Congress to shift policies. She works with multi-issue coalitions in California, Arizona and New Mexico to advocate for migrants, workers, women and children, and people of color.
OXFAM works in 70 countries, with thousands of partners, allies, and communities to save and protect lives in emergencies, help people rebuild their livelihoods and campaign for genuine, lasting change.
Lately they've taken the bold step of joining with Patriotic Billionares and the Institute for Policy Studies to call for a one-off 99 percent levy just on the gains billionaires made during the pandemic -- to pay for everyone on Earth to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide a $20,000 cash grant to all unemployed workers everywhere!
August 25, 2021
Hear Beatrice Fihn's ideas about how we can personally be involved in effectively implementing the nuclear ban!
Beatrice Fihn accepted the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) for their coalition which helped bring about the Treaty to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons which is currently in force.
"The Treaty categorically outlaws the worst weapons of mass destruction and establishes a clear pathway to their total elimination." She said in her Nobel Lecture in Oslo (here).
As Executive Director, Ms. Fihn has led the campaign since 2013 and has worked to mobilize civil society throughout the development of the Treaty.
This includes developing and executing ICAN’s political strategy and fundraising efforts as well as representing the campaign in relation to media and key stakeholders such as governments, the United Nations and other international organizations.
August 18, 2021
Dr Anneloes Smitsman,(Ph.D., LLM), Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, is a visionary scientist, system architect, and leadership catalyst for the transition to a Thrivable Civilization. She is the lead architect of the EARTHwise Tipping Point System,and of the r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint. She helped form the TPS Wisdom Collaboratory and is an architect of the SEEDS Constitution (at the bottom of and strategic advisor of Hypha for co-developing the Regenerative Renaissance tools, currencies, systems, and cultures.
Her groundbreaking Ph.D. dissertation Into the Heart of Systems Change, addresses how to diagnose and transform key systemic barriers of our world crisis through its proposed Transition Plan for a Thrivable Civilization.
Anneloes is the co-author of the forthcoming book series "The Future Humans Trilogy, with Dr Jean Houston. She is also the author of the Amazon Bestseller Love Letters from Mother Earth – The Promise of a New Beginning. Her deepest commitment is Love in Action, as shared in her TEDx talk. To stand together united for issues that deserve and require our deepest care and shared responsibility.
August 11, 2021
"In 1991, while I was launching Global Village Network, a new cable TV channel in Washington DC, people in the industry were surprised the CEO was not a white male, they got me instead, a brown woman from Hawaii," says Gloria Boreland.
To help change stereotypes she launched a PBS nationwide TV series profiling African-American business owners.
Gloria has several new projects in development - including one on Barack Obama's childhood in Hawaii and another on Native Hawaiian women -- who voted in 1840, 80 years before American women won the vote in 1920. Hawaii had a matrilineal society before it was dismantled by white American missionaries.
We are also delighted to speak with Anya Profumo who worked as an associate producer for Maria Florio on both "Tibet: Cry of the Snow Lion" and "Big River Man".
Anya co-founded production company Sidecar Pictures, as well as a women's mobile media startup company, The Fix.
She also worked in development at YARN - Chat Fiction and has written several series ranging in genre and format, primarily focused on their Generation Z/Millennial audience. One of our series, The Misadventures of Rue starring Jordyn Jones, was nominated for Best Short Form Comedic series in the Cynopsis Media awards.
July 28, 2021
Dov Baum is the Director of Economic Activism for American Friends Service Committee
Check out their Investigate website, where you can find out if the companies you are invested in participate in state violence or human right violations.
She is also the co-founder of Who Profits from the Occupation and of the Coalition of Women for Peace in Israel.
She frequently lectures on feminism and democracy in Israel/Palestine, the economics of the Israeli occupation and the military industry, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and corporate responsibility.
Dov is one of a group of Israeli Reservists who have made public their refusal to serve in the military, including in a public statement to the Washington Post.
July 14, 2021
Eston McKeague is President of the Young World Federalists (, an international organization dedicated to modernizing the movement bringing the message of world federation to a new generation.
Eston holds a MSc in Political Science: Public Policy and Governance from the University of Amsterdam and a BA in Global Affairs with minors in both Economics and Religion and Culture from Western Washington University. Originally from Seattle, Eston currently lives in Berlin, Germany.
Donna Park is currently the Board Chair of The World Federalist Association d/b/a
Citizens for Global Solutions
Education Fund, a U.S. non-profit headquartered in Washington, DC.
She is a founding member of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of
Citizens for Global Solutions and is a member of the Cincinnati Peace Committee.
She also is an advisor to the Young World Federalists.
Donna has a BA and MA in Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics. She
has been retired for 13 years after working over 30 years working in the global pharmaceutical
industry where she had responsibility for Global Clinical Data
Management and Global Regulatory Submissions.
Olympic Day! - June 23, 2021
Nathaniel Mills competed as a speed skater in three Olympic Games, serving as Team Captain of the 1998 U.S. Olympic Team in Nagano, Japan. He served as a delegate to the International Olympic Academy in Olympia, Greece and co-founded the Olympism Project to advance the ideals and practices of Olympism.
"Coach Nat" is Co-Founder and Head Coach of DC Inner City Excellence (DC-ICE), a skating-based youth development program rooted in Olympism that inspires and empowers urban youth to attain excellence in body, mind and spirit. He is also a youth golf coach with First Tee of Greater Washington, DC and Special Olympics DC.
As a lawyer, Nathaniel has served the World Service Authority's legal department and is WSA's World Sports Commission Coordinator.
As an educator, he taught Alternatives to Violence classes with the Center for Teaching Peace in several Washington, DC schools.
As a Northwestern University-trained actor, Nathaniel has appeared in numerous stage and film productions, and he continues to act for justice in his community and on and the world stage.
June 16, 2021
World BEYOND War
is a global nonviolent movement to end war!
David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is cofounder and executive director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk World Radio. He is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and was awarded the 2018 Peace Prize by the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation.
Greta Zarro has a background in issue-based community organizing. and coalition building. A public speaker, she is also engaged in legislative and media outreach. Greta and her partner run Unadilla Community Farm, a non-profit organic farm and permaculture education center in Upstate New York.
June 9th, 2021
Joanne Dufour, an anti-nuclear weapons educator, brings us a message of hope as we face humanity's greatest challenge.
She is a trainer in International Humanitarian law for the Red Cross and has the Disarming Our Planet blog.
Today China, Russia and the US are rattling the sabers of new arms races - yielding big profits for corporate bomb makers but threatening the very life of humanity.
Instead of U.S. government policies protecting the people, they've protected the corporations that have led us down a disastrous path that is already killing thousands of people from Marshall Islanders and other bomb test victims, to radiation burn victims, downwinders,
and many more.
All this is being done with your tax dollars, and you hold the key to stopping it!
Joanne talks about how you can be a part of a movement to use smart actions to reduce the danger. Most importantly you can help get the money out of bomb-making - encouraging your universities, pension funds and banks to divest from bomb-makers - and other ways we, the people, can join with the overwhelming majority of nations to enforce the
Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.
June 2, 2021
Aura Kanegis, American Friends Service Committee's director of public policy and Merle Lefkoff president of the Center for Emergent Diplomacy share their unique first-hand perspectives on how to engineer peace in the Gaza Israeli conflict given the extreme power disparities.
May 26, 2021
Todd Miller talks about his new book "Build Bridges, Not Walls".
Is it possible to create a borderless world? How might it be better equipped to solve the global emergencies threatening our collective survival? Build Bridges, Not Walls is an inspiring, impassioned call to envision—and work toward—a bold new reality.
Todd Miller has been reporting from international border zones for over twenty-five years. In Build Bridges, Not Walls, he invites readers to join him on a journey that begins with the most basic of questions: What happens to our collective humanity when the impulse to help one another is criminalized?
A series of encounters—with climate refugees, members of indigenous communities, border authorities, modern-day abolitionists, scholars, visionaries, and the shape-shifting imagination of his four-year-old son—provoke a series of reflections on the ways in which nation-states create the problems that drive immigration, and how the abolition of borders could make the world a more sustainable, habitable place for all.
May 19, 2021
Karen D. Kendrick-Hands
co-founded the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG)
She believes that the ultimate “Service above Self” is ensuring a stable climate for future generations.
Karen, an attorney, has been a volunteer public interest advocate for cleaner air, mobility and transportation choices, including serving on various local, state and regional advisory bodies, for over 30 years.
She has founded advocacy groups, including Transportation Riders United in greater Detroit , assisted non-environmental community and service organizations, including the Junior League, and League of Women Voters to frame and adopt environmental positions, worked with national US groups such as the Clean Air Network, participated in an official international environmental law exchange between the US and former Soviet Union, and created community connections with unlikely partners – finding common interests where none were obvious.
Karen, blessed to have been a RYE student in 1967-68 to Australia, is a past Chair and Communications Direction of ESRAG; Co-founder a member of the RC of Madison, WI, and its Going Green Fellowship Group in District 6250.
She is the Leader of the Rotary Action Team within Citizens’ Climate Lobby Community. Most recently Karen had the honor of being Rotary International’s first observer delegate to UNFCCC Climate talks, COP24 in Katowice, Poland, 2018.
Join Us Wednesdays!
May 12, 2021 - David Hartsough
David just celebrated his 81 birthday and will be talking about his book "Waging Peace, the Global Adventures of a life-long activist".
It's an amazing story filled with action and adventure!
David is a Co-Founder of World BEYOND War, a global movement to end war - making it as illegal to kill people outside countries as it is inside!
He has been Waging Peace since meeting Martin Luther King at age 15 - from civil-rights sit-ins to blocking nuclear weapons plants at LIvermore Laboratory.
He's blocked trains carrying munitions to fuel Central American wars -- enforcing international law as laid out at Nuremberg. He's Waged Peace in some of the most dangerous and war-torn places on the planet -- including the Philippines, Iran, Kosovo and even the Soviet Union.
April 28, 2021
"YOUTH V. GOV" documentary -- 21 kids aged 8 to 19, who had their homes flooded, their land ruined by drought, their homes engulfed in forest fires and more brought suit against the US government for denying them a Future.
Join us and hear from Sahara Valentine, who became a plaintiff when she was 10 years old, and from the director!
Director Christi Cooper, a PhD scientist, and Emmy-award winning cinematographer has created a masterful film in Youth v. Gov -- one of the most thought provoking & compelling climate documentaries ever! An emotional roller-coaster, the film provides the most convincing case of any film we've ever seen that Climate change is real, caused in large part by government policies -- and devastating to our future survival.
At the same time the film is heartwarming and uplifting - the inspiring voice of young people who are the core of a new superpower that will save our world!
See Christi's many film awards and much more at -- and you can watch the film now free at the Solutions Cinema virtual film festival : (It follows the short film Water Queen)
April 14, 2021
Robin Lloyd is a filmmaker, director of the video production company Green Valley Media, and active in the peace and justice movement in Burlington, VT.
Her grandmother, Lola Maverick Lloyd was one of the many founders of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom whose centennial was celebrated in 2015. Lola Lloyd also co-founded the Campaign for World Government in 1937, the first organizational attempt at a world government and world federalism, with close friend Rosika Schwimmer.
Robin has been toured with a ‘performance piece’ featuring Lola: Talking with Our Grandmothers:
Also we were very pleased to hear Ellen Thomas' story
as well as William Thomas' story" '!
March 24, 2021
Kasha Sequoia Slavner is a Gen-Z, multi-award-winning first-time documentary filmmaker who at age 16 set out across the world to film The Sunrise Storyteller -- completing it in high school!
Passionate to use visual storytelling to make the world a better place and In 2019 she received the Diana Award for sustaining positive social change in the memory of Princess Diana. She is a global youth leader recognized by legendary music producer Nile Rodgers We Are Family Foundation, Global Changemakers, Yunus & Youth, WE, One Better World Collective and was selected as one of the Voices of SDG16+ launched at the UN HLPF.
Most recently, in 2021 she became a Climate Ambassador of the Global Youth Climate Network, Kasha is an 12x UN Youth Delegate of The Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, and serves as an expert for the Women's Media Center, a non-profit co-founded by Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan.
At 17, Kasha wrote & published a 200+ page book of photography “Reflections of the Sunrise Storyteller – A Journey into the Heart as a Global Citizen”. She is also a contributor to several magazines, including National Geographic, Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, Good Magazine... The Sunrise Storyteller has screened at 60+ festivals and won 29 awards, including the Ron Kovic Peace Prize and the Eva Haller, Women Transforming Media Award. She is developing a second feature documentary “1.5 Degrees of Peace”, fiscally sponsored by The Redford Center.
Kasha's mom Marla Slavner is a social impact producer, is an entrepreneur with unbridled catalyst energy & creative vision. Founding director of the International Children’s Art Foundation, she has served as a United Nations delegate for the past 8 years at The Commission on the Status of Women.
The Global Sunrise Project brings a narrative of resilience, passion, and hope to visual storytelling to empower all of us to take action and come together as global citizens.
March 17, 2021
Ann Frisch is a whirlwind of activism racing to save humanity from doomsday! She chairs the subcommittee on nuclear weapons of the Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP) and chairs St. Paul Rotary's Peace Fellow Integration Committee (D-5960).
Ann won Rotary International’s Rotary People of Action Award (along with 5 other Rotarians) in 2017 for her work in unarmed civilian protection. She received the Minnesota US Legislature Award in 2018. In 2019, she headed a RAGFP Delegation at the Nuclear Nonproliferation PrepCom and worked with 250 women around the world to support the UN Secretary General’s plea for a ceasefire in 2020. She also works with Servas. Ann coordinated the first District Grant to train Rotarians in defusing the armed conflict in Southern Thailand and is building models for other Rotarians to do nonviolent, nonpartisan and grassroots based peacemaking.
March 10, 2021
Our Special Guests are Marna Anderson and Kalaya'an Mendoza of the Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP).
Whether it's silencing the guns in Darfur or training emerging women leaders in the Philippines, the NP is on the job -- forging a new form of Peacekeeping without guns.
Mel Duncan and David Hartsough founded NP in 2002, launching it right into action -- deploying the first Peacekeeping team to Sri Lankaduring a civil war between the government and the rebel Tamal Tigers where they worked with mothers for the return of child soldiers, accompanied journalists who were under threat and provided a protective presence in vulnerable areas.
Marna joined NP after seeing firsthand the devastation of war and the suffering it brought to El Salvador, where billions in US military aid led to neither side "winning" and over 75,000 people killed, communities devastated, and families traumatized for generations.
When a Philippines village of 1000 people were panicking and fleeing, with two armed patrols about to converge on them, elders called in an NP team. They succeeded in getting the armed patrols to back off without danger.
Join us and hear how NP is protecting civilians and building a culture of
peace around the world.
Marna Anderson is NP's "Director of USA" - bringing in her expertise in organizational effectiveness, fundraising, human rights as well as her focus in conservation and in protecting women and children from violence.
Kalaya'an Mendoza is Director of U.S. Programs and co-founder of Across Frontlines, an organization that works alongside frontline human rights defenders to keep their communities safe from state and non-state actor violence.
February 24, 2021
Beth Leeds is Global/Local Activist -- a "Glocalist!" She's also a writer, artist and health coach.
She has been an activist since she was 8 years old - when in 1949 she got a STOP sign installed at a dangerous intersection -- cutting through Laguna Beach, CA red tape in less than 24 hours! She is also responsible for saving the iconic Lifeguard Tower in Laguna Beach.
Whether it's acting locally to preserve a Canyon, Nationally to write the National Ocean Protection Act in her kitchen or Globally as the running mate for World Citizen #1 Garry Davis on the World Citizen Party ticket, Beth has always been an undefeatable Changemaker.
Hear what it was like running for Vice President of the US on a platform that unites people
all over the planet!
February 17, 2021
Free & Safe Cyberspace!
Rufo Guerreschi is an entrepreneur, activist and expert in the area of leading-edge IT security and privacy.
He is working for a Free and Safe
He is the CEO of TRUSTLESS.AI, startup spin-off of TCCB, building an ultra-secure 2mm-thin PC. Also check out the video!
He formerly lead an open source e-voting/e-democracy startup, Participatory Technologies.
February 10, 2021
Millions of people are denied basic human and civil rights because they are stateless.
A virtual nation state would provide them with citizenship, a digital identity, and many of the rights normally accorded by nation states-- but would not tied to geography, history, or birth.
JAN RUIJGROK, a futurist and innovator with special interest in technological impact on social behavior.
BRENDAN DUNPHY, entrepreneur and social innovator.
MIKE NORTHCOTT, founder of Spearfish Innovation and former Hewlett-Packard Vice President of Global Operations Strategy.
We discussed how this new digital technology might work collaboratively with the World Passport in accord with International Human Rights law.
January 27, 2021
"Imagineering a Future Beyond
the Borders that Divide us."
Shekhar Mehta, of the Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, India, is the President-Elect of Rotary International for 2021-22
Chairman and founder of the Skyline Group and director of Operation Eyesight International, he has led major service initiatives in India & South Asia including Constructing 500 homes for Tsunami survivors, Saving Little Hearts pediatric Heart Surgery Program, T-E-A-C-H holistic program on literacy, Eye Hospitals and so much more in the areas of Water, Sanitation, Literacy, Healthcare and the Environment.
Shekhar wrote "This film on Garry Davis. How remarkable it is. How often have these ideas resonated with so many of us. They would seem Utopian but here was a man who believed in his dreams and took it forward. Maybe he was far ahead of his times...but as John Lennon said in Imagine
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for...
January 20, 2021
Glen Martin is a leading figure in the creation of the The Constitution for the Federation of Earth! -- a document developed by successive world constituent assemblies in countries around the world -- with input from people around the world.
The World Constitution and Parliament Association helps coordinate a network of tens of thousands of people from 120 countries in the movement to create non-military, democratic world government under the Earth Constitution.
Glen is a Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Radford University and author of 7 books including Triumph of Civilization: Democracy, Nonviolence, and the Piloting of Spaceship Earth.
January 13, 2021
Our special guest is Ford Roosevelt, the grandson of Eleanor Roosevelt!, talking about his grandmother's historic role in bringing us the Universal Declaration of Human Rights --
and what it means for all living beings on the planet.
How can we move from universal recognition to universal compliance?
Ford is a teacher was recently President & CEO at Project GRAD Los Angeles.
December 16, 2020
Michael Walsh is a Global Citizenship (GC) Scholar & a GC Philosophy expert & advocate. Accordingly, every human being has inalienable global citizen rights to all human basic needs, education and healthcare. The GC Project will promote these rights and secure individual sovereignty.
Michael has 10 yrs of focused GC business model development to drive meaningful “Citizen-Member” engagement in the future GC Ecosystem-- with a privacy-designed core GC Citizen Network.
December 9, 2020
As co-founder of the Rotary E-Club of World Peace and Convener of Rotary World Peace Conferences, Rudy Westervelt has brought together an incredible array of top-thinkers about ways to build a more peaceful world.
With his wife Karyn, and her emphasis on youth, they brought together 100 speakers and facilitators working to develop solutions to major issues facing our world.
A former Rotary District Governor (5330), Rudy has played a key role in motivating Rotary to make Peace a major focus.
He is also President of Solutions for Peace Foundation, Inc.
December 2, 2020
Asha Asokan is an extraordinary Rotary Peace Fellow who got her start in peacebuilding in Sudan, where she first worked for the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission as a contractor and then moved to South Sudan with the Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP). With NP, she succeeded in stopping warring sides in South Sudan! See
She is currently working with Nonviolent Peaceforce in Minneapolis for the protection of civilians by improving their safety and security through Unarmed Civilian Protection approaches.
Previously, in her role as Child Protection Officer with the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan, she advocated and negotiated directly with armed forces and groups to stop child recruitment and other grave child rights violations in South Sudan. She also supported the Office of the UN Special Representative to the SG on Children and Armed Conflict (UNSRSG CAAC) in NY for the protection of children in armed conflict.
She is now co-chairing a Working Group on Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping, and Peacemaking with Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS), a global platform, based in DC. She is also serving on the Rotary Action Group for Peace Subcommittee on Nuclear Weapons Education.
November 25, 2020
Mike Caruso works with Rotary on their Peace Fellowships & Peacebuilder Clubs -
and was a District Governor.
He served in the Peace Corps, working in Tuberculosis Control with the 16 aboriginal tribes in Malaysia. He was director of Oregon Common Cause and chairperson of
Helping Hands Re-entry Outreach.
With Rotary Foundation, he helped organize 10 hands-on projects in Guatemala consisting of Dental, Medical, Water, Education, Electrical, Construction and Micro-Finance groups. His Rotary work has taken him to Cyprus, Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. He is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service
as well as the Rotary International Service Above Self Award.
November 18, 2020
Barbara Gaughen-Muller is a peace scholar, advocate, activist, author and podcast host. She is internationally known for her peace work. As an inspirational speaker, her enthusiasm for peace is contagious!
She is President of the United Nations Association, Santa Barbara, Tri-Counties CA Chapter (, President of The Rotary E-Club of World Peace (, Co-CEO of Revolutionary Conversations, LLC. and is the co-author of the book
Revolutionary Conversations:The Tools You Need for the Success You Want.
She also hosts the Power of Peace ™ podcasts ( and she interviewed 65 of the 100+ program speakers for the Rotary World Peace Conference 2016.
She continues the peace work of her late husband, Dr. Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary General. Together, Robert and she co-created 7500 Ideas for a Better World,
shared daily. (
And she is the founder of the award-winning Gaughen Global Public Relations, celebrating its 25th year working for a better world.
Watch this podcast - you can't help but be uplifted!
Armistice Day November 11, 2020
Daniel 'Danny' Sjursen is a retired Major in the US Army, a graduate and history teacher at Westpoint and a combat veteran from deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
His wartime experiences and discoveries about the true history of the US military role in the world led him to do an intellectual and spiritual “About Face.”
He is now a regular contributor to, Truthdig, The Nation, Tom Dispatch,
The Huffington Post, and The Hill.
His work has also appeared in Harper’s, The LA Times, and Buzz Feed. His latest book "Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War" offers a new, more complex notion of patriotism. Danny co-hosts the progressive veterans’ podcast “Fortress on a Hill.” (Twitter @SkepticalVet).
He gives us new perspectives on these challenging times of political turmoil.
October 21, 2020
Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, chairs the nuclear nonproliferation task force of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association.
He serves as the Representative to the United Nations of the World Summits of Nobel Peace Laureates and is himself a 2014 nominee.
He also works with Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, the Jane Goodall Institute and the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
While many people are aware that climate change is leading toward ecocide -- few are talking about how perilously close we are to "nukacide."
Jonathan explained why the current policies plunge us closer than ever to the brink of nuclear war.
He also talked about the financial, moral and spiritual forces that an informed public can employ to turn it around and build human security - a safer world for all of us on planet Earth.
October 14, 2020
Bob Flax, Ph.D., Executive Director of Citizens for Global Solutions.
Since 1947, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) and its predecessor have promoted global solutions in arms control, disarmament, law of the seas, preventing discrimination against women, and protecting the rights of children and so much more.
It’s also helped to create institutions such as the International Criminal Court.
Come hear about CGS's current work to :
Bring people directly into global governance through innovating a UN world parliament
Safeguard and strengthen human rights
Prevent nuclear war
End Genocide and protect vulnerable populations
Stop our devastating impact on the environment and Climate change which threaten our very survival
September 30, 2020
George Lakey, author of How We Win: A Guide to Nonviolent Direct Action Campaigning speaks to us about the upcoming training in nonviolent action to
protect the US election.
As a Swarthmore professor and winner of the Martin Luther King Peace Award, he developed the Global Nonviolent Action Database research project, amassing lessons learned from leading over 1500 social change workshops on five continents.
Learn how you can help prevent illegal power grabs and authoritarianism. The training is non-partisan and does not endorse any candidates for election.
September 25, 2020
Special Event by the World Service Authority and Square Metre for Peace
A diverse group of musicians who share the values of peace-building and advocacy for global justice are coming together from around the world.
Artists: Juno Brown, Courtney Dowe, Tadros Brothers,
Deys Official, Sierra Noble, Dominik Haas
Mayor Kevin Faulconer,
has proclaimed September 21st, 2020 as
“CITIZEN OF THE WORLD DAY” in the City of San Diego
See the proclamation HERE.
September 23, 2020
Robert Delaurentis -- who just flew his plane "Citizen of the World " from the South to the North Pole in a record-breaking expedition -- will talk about unleashing another kind of power - the power to go up! Up above the nations and colors that divide us into the power of world citizenship!
"When another plane on my route mysteriously crashed, when a cyclone raged ahead, when my fuel tank spewed fuel into the cockpit, when I was about to touch down in the epicenter of the coronavirus -- I felt the fear arise, but each time I reminded myself of our mission of global peace and that all impossibly big dreams have risks to be considered and dealt with, and then I flew.
Rather than running from challenges, when uncertainty and difficult times show up, we revisit our ideals and support each other through them. This is what we stand for. This is who we are. This is what we dream of for the world. We are all stronger together. As Citizens of the World for the World, we rededicate ourselves to our global community and our mission of
One Planet, One People, One Plane: Oneness for Humanity.”
September 16, 2020
David Hartsough is a Co-Founder of World BEYOND War, a global movement to end war - making it as illegal to kill people outside countries as it is inside! He has been Waging Peace since meeting Martin Luther King at age 15 - from civil-rights sit-ins to blocking nuclear weapons plants at LIvermore Laboratory. He's blocked trains carrying munitions to fuel Central American wars -- enforcing international law as laid out at Nuremberg. He's Waged Peace in some of the most dangerous and war-torn places on the planet -- including the Philippines, Iran, Kosovo and even the Soviet Union. Arthur met him in the early 60's when David, a fellow Quaker, led the San Francisco to Moscow peace march --
to end the cold war
before it ended all of us!
At a time when the US and the World are teetering on the brink of tyranny, ecocide and nuclear extinction, we'll talk to David about how we can inspire the frustrated and angry to gain real power by renouncing violence and waging peace!
David recommended these books: “From Dictatorship to Democracy”, “Waging Nonviolent Struggle”, “Global Security System: An Alternative to War” Also the film “A Force More Powerful” and these websites:,,, and
Buy his book "Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist"!
September 9th, 2020
Soushiant Zanganehpour developed one of the three winning proposals in the Global Challenges Foundation's 1.8 million dollar New Shape Prize to re-envision global governance for the 21st century!
His groundbreaking plan envisions global governance through bottom up deliberation. He is developing a new platform that enables organizations -- or the world -- to include as many voices as possible to make the best decisions to complex problems. His system boosts engagement and reduces bias with the help of collective intelligence.
Can this empower our ability to create workable solutions to pandemics and oppression, ecocide and nuclear annihilation?
August 26, 2020
Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey are original thinkers, filmmakers and social philosophers whose films, books, workshops and public appearances spread their visionary, optimistic message about the future of humanity.
Andrew was teaching mathematics and chemistry at a South African college while studying comparative religion when the realization hit him: the Australian Aborigines were speaking pure poetic quantum physics. Connie earned an honors degree in economics from UC Berkeley then delved deeply into the world of Native American knowledge.
Together they produced the film "IN SEARCH OF THE FUTURE: What Do The Wise Ones Know?" and wrote the book "THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm". Connie and Andrew talk about how such a new paradigm, , a shift in consciousness, can save us from the seemingly overwhelming threats plunging us toward doomsday.and enable us to craft a world of peace, harmony and abundance.
August 19, 2020
Dr. Ira Helfand is Co-President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. He is also the founding partner of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize!
Please watch Ira's profound and chilling talk to the Rotary Peace Conference -
(starts 12 minutes in)
In this talk, we focus on solutions. The UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted by 122 States in favour (with one vote against and one abstention). It will soon enter into force after being ratified by 50 of those nations. When that happens, how will it be enforced? How can we, the people, join in enforcing it? Come listen and bring your questions about how we can secure our future!
August 12, 2020
Dr. Richard Denton is an outstanding World citizen, Rotarian, nuclear war prevention expert, and associate professor at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
He has served as president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, and Physicians for Global Survival.
Denton is the North American co-chair for International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War -- the organization that was part of Arthur's 1983 film with Paul Newman called "War without Winners".
August 5, 2020
We are thrilled that Dominik Haas, lead of the Jahcoustix band, contributed his World Citizen song, featuring Shaggy, to our film "The World is My Country" -- and to use for the theme music of our People-Powered Planet podcast! For a very special treat, Dominik performs the song live from his home in Germany!
For his full music video go to:
The podcast also features Randy Seol of Strawberry Alarm Clock, known for the chart-topping "Incense and Peppermint"! Impressed by getting to meet World Citizen #1 Garry Davis, he wrote a song about him especially for our movie! Listen to Randy Seol's World Citizen song here:
We talked to both of them about World Citizenship and the power of music to help
save humanity.
July 29, 2020
Police Chief Donald Grady II, Ph.D has designed and implemented a new model of policing
both in the US and in some of the most challenging and battle-scarred cities in the world
from Congo and Kenya to Palestine and Kosovo.
As Regional Commander of the United Nations International Police Task Force in
Brcko, Bosnia-herzegovina he managed to do the impossible -
meld warring police forces into one cohesive community-serving peace force!
He was able to turn the police from being the most hated institution in Kosovo
to being the most highly rated and trusted!
His advice can now help US cities like Minneapolis
rebuild their police forces from the ground up as peace forces -
much like we saw in Camden where police marched with demonstrators!
July 22, 2020
Producer/Director/Writer/Journalist Arthur Kanegis gives us a sneak peek into his upcoming book "How to Save the World -- A Personal Memoir"
July 15, 2020 - Part 2
David Gallup's opening talk was so well received that participants asked for another session. One of our volunteers said he was "moved to tears"
to hear about WSA's hopeful work -- it made him feel like
he was part of creating "a world-wide SYNERGY
that will see our dreams
and our vision become a reality!"
David Gallup is president of The World Service Authority (WSA)
founded by Garry Davis.
July 8, 2020
Merle Lefkoff makes complexity science simple - and applies it to peace making! She is president of the Center for Emergent Diplomacy -- conducting breakthrough mediation for businesses, civil society, universities, governments --and even parties at war.
She is a social change entrepreneur whose practice is devoted to applying nonlinear complex systems thinking to whole system change.
July 1, 2020
Hazel Henderson is an evolutionary economist, syndicated columnist and media producer. She is author of:
--Creating Alternative Futures: The End of Economics
--Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy
--Planetary Citizenship (co-author)
The current economy is propelling us on a path to extinction. Click on the replay and learn how we can create an alternative economy -- in time to save our species!
June 24, 2020 - PART 1
David Gallup is president of The World Service Authority (WSA) founded by Garry Davis.
He shows us their unique and pioneering work
and the power of the human rights instruments WSA has created.
World Passports, World ID's, World Birth Certificates and World Marriage Licenses.
They help thousands of stateless people and refugees
-- and enable all of us to claim our rights as citizens of the world!
Luminaries in our film

Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Jean Houston, Lavar Burton, Michael Beckwith, Mike Farrell, William Ury,
Rod Roddenberry, and other luminaries receive World Passports in the full theatrical version of our film.
For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonders that would be;
Till the war-drum throbb’d no longer, and the battle-flags were furl’d
In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world.
There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe,
And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law.
—Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
“Locksley Hall” (1837)
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